The West of Ireland has a rich engineering
heritage and has proud associations with
major engineering projects that are of
national and international significance.
Realised Vision provides an overview of
the vital role engineers play in shaping
the world we live in today and in laying
the foundations for the future.


Launched by Mr Noel Treacy, TD,
Minister for Science & Technology At
NUI, Galway on 16th of October, 2000


To mark the end of the second millennium, the
Institution of Engineers of Ireland, West Region,
has prepared an exhibition featuring a range of
important engineering projects and activities.
These are either projects in the West Region or
else projects of national and international
significance that were led by engineers from
the region.

  • To highlight to the general public the range of works carried out by the engineers over the millennium.
  • To provide student engineers with a historic context to their engineering studies and to help them to relate their branch of engineering to other disciplines.
  • To enable second level students gain an
    understanding of exciting challenges in the
    engineering profession and thereby encourage
    greater interest in an engineering career.